about caroline dalia kaliani

Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Skin Herbalist & Founder Journey To Glow

My rosacea journey

I first started seeing signs of rosacea in my early 30s.

Back then, holistic medicine wasn’t as accessible as today, so my first call was to a dermatologist’s office.

5 minutes into the consult I was told: “You have rosacea, it’s incurable, nothing you can do. But take this prescription, it might help.”

Intuitively, I knew there had to be a better way.

I threw the prescription in the garbage on my way out the door and decided that, if this doc wasn’t gonna help, someone else would. But who?

Since I couldn’t find anyone who could propose a real solution, I hid my rosacea under a thin layer of Jane Iredale Pure-Pressed Powder and continued to ignore the messages my skin was trying to tell me.

about caroline dalia kaliani

Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Skin Herbalist & Founder Journey To Glow

My rosacea healing journey

I first started seeing signs of rosacea in my early 30s.

Back then, holistic medicine wasn’t as accessible as it is today, so my first call was to a dermatologist’s office.

5 minutes into the consult I was told: “you have rosacea, it’s incurable, nothing you can do. But take this prescription, it might help.”

Intuitively, I knew there had to be a better way.

I threw the prescription in the garbage on my way out the door and decided that, if this doc wasn’t gonna help, someone else would. But who?

Since I couldn’t find anyone that could propose a real solution, I hid my rosacea under a thin layer of Jane Iredale Pure-Pressed Powder and continued to ignore the messages my skin was trying to tell me.

But then, in my late 30s, my skin got worse.

The stress of everyday life was starting to take its toll. The inflammation on my cheeks was becoming harder to ignore, and the persistent rosacea “bumps” drove me nuts.

I also noticed unusual breakouts (different from the rosacea “bumps”) which, I would later learn, were due to Demodex mites.

No longer able to ignore the issue, I looked at my skin in the mirror and asked: “What are you trying to tell me?” Clearly, she wanted my attention!

So I decided to pay attention and take action by working with any holistic practitioners I could find.

Ayurveda? Check. Naturopathy? Check. Energy Medicine? Check. Holistic Nutrition? Check.

In my journey to get to the root causes of rosacea, I had the privilege of working and learning from incredible holistic practitioners.

But I quickly realized that rosacea wasn’t their expertise and that they could only take me so far…

So I decided to go back to school and get certified in Functional Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, and Wholistic Biology (emotional root cause) and apply everything I learned to create a “rosacea healing blueprint”.

Now I have the tremendous honor of guiding other womxn in regaining clear skin!

Caroline Dalia Kaliani, xo

Radiantly Clear Botanical Skincare System for Rosacea

I created my own line of botanical skincare because I couldn’t find anything on the market that met my standards for clean beauty AND addressed the needs of sensitive, rosacea-prone skin.

The Radiantly Clear Rosacea / Demodex Botanical Skincare System contains 5 products, each formulated with pure plant botanicals that support the healing of inflamed rosacea-prone skin while making the skin’s microbiome (the terrain) unfavorable to Demodex mites.


9 Misconceptions About Healing Rosacea 

Enter your name + email and get access to a FREE 30-minute video masterclass where we’ll explore the 9 misconceptions that are keeping you from healing rosacea once and for all.



Taught by Functional Nutrition Practitioner & Skin Herbalist Caroline Dalia Kaliani, CLEAR is a one-of-a-kind online + group coaching program for women who want to heal rosacea holistically.

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