Vibrant & Radiant 6-month 1×1 Coaching Program

How does finally having your own unique rosacea healing blueprint sound?

*Spots open to work with me 1×1. Carefully read the information on this page and watch the video before booking your call.

If you’re like many of the women who come to me after they tried “everything”, you may (understandably) feel deflated and disheartened.

You may have tried…

Every skincare products you could get your hands on, hoping it would miraculously heal your skin

Cleanses, elimination diets, liver detoxes, but your skin got worse, not better

All-of-the supplements promising clear, glowing skin, but have nothing to show for it except an emptier wallet.

Maybe you’ve…

Eliminated the foods you were told were “bad” for you, yet your skin hasn’t improved.

You’ve been to the doctor’s office and left 7 minutes later with an “incurable” diagnosis, a prescription in your hands and a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You’ve been DIY-ing it, falling down the late-night Google rabbit hole, trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together but are feeling a little lost in a sea of conflicting information.

You’ve diligently stuck to the protocols and awful 30-day challenges (looking at you, celery juice) and stuck to your new “healthy habits”… But it’s been months now, and you’re wondering WHEN will any of your efforts pay off?

If you’re like many of the women who come to me after they tried “everything”, you may (understandably) feel deflated and disheartened.

You may have tried…

Every skincare products you could get your hands on, hoping it would miraculously heal your skin

Cleanses, elimination diets, liver detoxes, but your skin got worse, not better

All-of-the supplements promising clear, glowing skin, but have nothing to show for it except an emptier wallet.

Maybe you’ve…

Eliminated the foods you were told were “bad” for you, yet your skin hasn’t improved.

You’ve been to the doctor’s office and left 7 minutes later with an “incurable” diagnosis, a prescription in your hands and a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You’ve been DIY-ing it, falling down the late-night Google rabbit hole, trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together but are feeling a little lost in a sea of conflicting information.

You’ve diligently stuck to the protocols and awful 30-day challenges (looking at you, celery juice) and stuck to your new “healthy habits”… But it’s been months now, and you’re wondering WHEN will any of your efforts pay off?

The Functional Nutrition Framework 

As a Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Skin Herbalist, Certified Advanced Transformative Coach, and someone who’s personally been on a rosacea healing journey, I’m equipped to work with clients in a unique capacity:

My approach is personalized and designed to support my clients’ bio-individuality. It is not a one-size-fits-all diet, supplements protocol or “cleanse”.

My framework uses functional medicine tools that enable us to get clarity on the root causes of (your) rosacea.

Once we’ve pinpointed the root causes (emotional, physical, or environmental), we work to support the body back into balance so that it can heal itself.

In order to best support you on your journey, I created a one-of-a-kind 1×1 functional nutrition coaching program called Vibrant & Radiant.


The Functional Nutrition Framework

As a Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Skin Herbalist, Certified Advanced Transformative Coach, and someone who’s personally been on a rosacea healing journey, I’m equipped to work with clients in a unique capacity:

My approach is personalized and designed to support my clients’ bio-individuality. It is not a one-size-fits-all diet, supplements protocol or “cleanse”.

My framework uses functional medicine tools that enable us to get clarity on the root causes of (your) rosacea.

Once we’ve pinpointed the root causes (emotional, physical, or environmental), we work to support the body back into balance so that it can heal itself.

In order to best support you on your journey, I created a one-of-a-kind 1×1 functional nutrition coaching program called Vibrant & Radiant.


About Vibrant & Radiant 6-month Coaching Program

Vibrant & Radiant is a custom-designed 1×1 program that blends the art of functional nutrition, herbal medicine, and emotional root cause.

This program is NOT a one-size-fits-all “cleanse” or detox.

Vibrant & Radiant uses a unique framework that identifies root causes that led to the manifestation of skin inflammation.


Here’s what we’ll look at during this 1×1 program:

✔ What foods you should eat and not eat (based on your bio-individuality)

How to pinpoint food sensitivities that can create an immune reaction (which can cause rosacea)

✔ The importance of healing your gut and how to do it effectively

How to support liver detoxification

✔ Pinpoint if environmental toxicity and hidden toxins are a root cause of your rosacea

✔ How to create a daily practice to access the parasympathetic state, so your body feels safe to heal

✔ We’ll explore if SIBO/SIFO, parasites, viruses and pathogens are at the root cause of your skin inflammation and if so, how to clear them out safely and gently

✔ We’ll explore the link between stress, emotions, and rosacea and how to create a safe space for your body and skin to heal

Should you do a detox or “cleanse” and if so, how to do one without causing a skin crisis

“Working with Caroline completely reduced the overwhelm I was feeling trying to implement all-of-the-things to heal my skin. If I had known I could make so much progress in such a short amount of time, I would not have waited so long! Well worth the investment! I am now sleeping better, I have regained my energy (and libido!) and my skin is clearing up slowly but surely. After battling with rosacea for over 10 years, I finally have hope.” — Sandy B.

What’s included in the 6-MONTH program:

    • 6 – 60 minute, 1×1 consults via Zoom video
    • Custom-designed nutritional, lifestyle and supplements protocols
    • Self-tests and intake forms to help design your unique rosacea blueprint
    • Teaching material in PDF format (valued at $297)
    • Email support between sessions

The program does NOT include:

    • Functional lab testing
    • The cost of supplements (monthly investments for supplements can range between $75 to $300/month)

PROGRAM INVESTMENT: $1225 USD (not including supplements)

Vibrant & Radiant Pre-Call Video

Start your journey

Your next step…

Click on the button below to schedule your no-obligation call. We’ll discuss what you have done so far to heal your skin, what I see are your next steps and how my program can support you. If my program is not the right fit I will let you know or refer you to someone that may be best suited.

“I had to clear up a lot of inflammation in my body so that my skin could heal but I started seeing improvement within just a few months.  I learned so much during our sessions, it feels so empowering to be armed with the RIGHT information and health strategies I’ll be using for the rest of my life!” — Becky C.

Healing rosacea is 100% possible.

No matter where you are on your healing journey —  no matter how “bad” your skin is, I’m here to remind you that anything is possible, including the full and complete healing of your skin.

You might need to optimize your digestion, heal your gut, detoxify your body of harmful chemicals or pathogens, or pinpoint the emotional root cause of rosacea.

But with the right strategy, support, and road map, you will get to your goal of clear glowing skin.

Caroline Dalia Kaliani

“I’m so grateful for the safe space Caroline created during our sessions, especially when exploring the emotional root cause of rosacea. I had so many “ah-has” during our sessions, it freed up space within me so that my body can heal.” — Julie Y.